commonly asked questions.
WHat are your rates?
My rates are tailored to each individual project. Be they for a large brand, or an individual. For any quote please get in touch and we will discuss your needs further.
Do you always edit the client images yourself?
No. Some clients hire me purely as a photographer and require, no editing in post. They are usually familiar with the editing process themselves, and/or have employees to do this for them* Any image of mine across my website, or social media is edited by myself, unless stated otherwise.
Can I hire you to teach me?
100% yes! If you are new to the world of photography and would like some guidance, please get in touch with me. I can do 1 hour sessions through to full days. Private 1-1 tuition in the field, is a great way to find your way around your new camera and to go exploring at the same time.
WIll you be my wedding photographer?
Unfortunately not. HOWEVER. If you’re in need of an engagement photoshoot, and/or a newly wed photoshoot, in the wild mountain ranges of Snowdonia, do not hesitate to get in touch.
can you help with me content and social media?
I certainly can and I love doing it. Let’s be clear here, I’m not stating I’m a social media expert, or do I have any special qualification in the matter. I can say however, I know a thing or two about certain platforms and how to create a living from social media and I’m here to help.
Instagram - You may see other peoples images being shared by companies, trying to promote/sell their product within their captions. You may not know however, if they have not sought the correct permissions of the creator, to use said image for this purpose, they’re simply braking the law and the copyright flag and a fee will be on them. If it’s purely content that you’re looking for to promote your business. I do have image packages for purchase, for the sole purpose of you promoting your business/product on social media.
In a digital world, the possibilities are endless.
Mail me!
If you have any questions regarding my work, collaborations or ideas, please contact me and we will discuss it further:
Whether is a quotation, collaboration or a message to say hey. Please fill out the details below and I will get back to you.